Sunday, November 06, 2005

Give Me Five!

6th November, 2005

It's 13:44 Germany time, and we would like to bring this exciting news to our readers, especially those in Hong Kong.

The Delegation has won a total of 7 prizes, including 1st Prize in the following 5 categories:

- Trios
- Orchestra
- School Orchestra
- Solo Chromatic Adult
- Solo Chromatic with Test Piece

which means every player in the delegation is a winner! We have too much to say in this glimse of free time, so until we are back, this is the short news that we'd like to share with all of you.


Blogger Bresslau said...

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11:52 PM  
Blogger Bresslau said...

Hello Hong Kong people!
It was very good to have you here, I loved to see the friends I met in HK again here in Trossingen. I also loved to see the happiness in your faces at the end of the event, and this made all the work for the event worthwhile.
In the meantime I am settling down again, putting some order on things. We are trying to build a photo gallery of the festival, and I know that you all have made lots of pictures. Please take a look at the site and see the details of how you can contribute, and where to find the first pics.
I hope to stay in touch!
All the best,
Fernando Bresslau - FIH - Hohner

11:54 PM  
Blogger ManWah Leung 梁文華 said...

Hi Fernando,
We had a great time in Trossingen and thank FIH for the wonderful event. The delegation has taken heaps of photos. It will take some time for us to sort them out and I believe this group of Blogs is be the best place to publish them.
Man Wah Leung

11:44 AM  

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